If you’ve read our blog about the kitchen working triangle, you’ll know all about the importance of a well-designed kitchen. The kitchen zone approach is similar to the concept of the working triangle, but it gives you more flexibility to create a personalised space. 

If you’re not using zones in your kitchen, you may not be using your kitchen to its full potential. Use these helpful tips to make sure you do!

Separate Your Space Into 5 Simple Kitchen Zones

As experts in marble, granite and quartz worktops, we’ve seen a lot of kitchens over the years. And although there are countless ways to configure your space, we’ve found that focusing on the following 5 areas can really help you to create the optimal kitchen layout:

The Preparation Zone 

Every kitchen requires an area for food prep, and it’s best to ensure that it’s adjacent to or opposite the cooking zone. Imagine you’ve just cut up a large pile of mushrooms and need to transfer them to the hob. If the hob is right across the far side of the room, you risk a messy accident or, at the very least, a frustrating detour. 

The closer your preparation zone is to your cooking zone, the easier it will be to carry ingredients across the space without bumping into obstacles or dropping things. 

The Cooking Zone 

Ideally, your cooking zone should contain your oven, hob, and microwave, plus bench space to place hot dishes and plate up meals. Along with being close to the preparation zone, it should be as near as possible to a sink so that you can quickly fill up pans of water, rinse off dishes, and leave things to soak.

The Cleaning Zone

Your cleaning zone should contain your dishwasher and sink as well as any cleaning products. Keeping related items near each other is highly recommended, because you don’t want to be wandering from one end of the kitchen to the other, searching for the right cloth for your cleaning spray. 

The Consumables Zone

This is your zone for food, whether it’s fresh, refrigerated, frozen, or dry goods. To enhance food safety and organisation, some people choose to take a ‘split zone’ approach, where different types of food are stored in separate areas. This is often done to separate food types or to maximise space in smaller kitchen designs.

The Non-consumables Zone

Lastly, your non-consumables zone contains cutlery, glasses, silverware, and small appliances. In other words, everything else in your kitchen! 

Why Should You Zone Your Kitchen?

A major advantage of the kitchen zone approach is its personalisation. By analysing your household’s specific activities and needs, you can allocate dedicated areas for each task, creating a storage system that truly works for your space. 

Plus, it keeps everything neat and tidy!

Top Tips for Zoning Parts of Your Kitchen

Here are a few handy tips that you can use when planning your kitchen zones:

Tip 1: Invest in the parts of your kitchen you use the most! If you’re considering a shiny new granite, marble or quartz worktop because you love to cook on a beautiful surface, then make sure it’s big enough! A cramped space will make cooking feel like a chore rather than a joy. Likewise, if you’re a keen baker who loves to create showstopping cakes, consider whether you might benefit from a double oven. 

Prioritise the spaces that bring you joy, after all, that’s where you’ll be spending the most time.

Tip 2: If you often invite guests over, include a separate ‘entertainment zone’ within your kitchen layout. This could be a kitchen island or peninsula with ample kitchen worktop space for preparing drinks and snacks, or even a cosy seating area where guests can relax and chat while you cook. By creating this dedicated space, you can keep guests comfortably out of the main cooking area, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Tip 3: This one’s self-explanatory: store your dishes close to your sink or dishwasher! It’ll make putting your dishes away a lot more bearable!

Tip 4: Store frequently used items like pots and pans at a comfortable, easily accessible height, reserving higher or lower areas for less frequently used items. This will help to keep your countertops clutter-free and your kitchen more efficient.

Tip 5: Brighten up your preparation zone with under-cabinet spotlights. This not only adds a touch of modern elegance to your kitchen but also ensures you have ample light to chop vegetables, read recipes, or plate your culinary creations with precision!

Tip 6: Finally, don’t let limited counter space hold you back! Embrace the vertical dimension of your kitchen by installing shelves, hanging racks, or magnetic strips. This clever solution keeps frequently used items like spices, utensils, and mugs within easy reach, freeing up valuable counter space and creating a more open and airy feel.

Want to Transform Your Kitchen Space?

We value kitchens that are as beautiful as they are functional. If you’d like any advice or more information about zoning, call us today to speak to one of our experts. 

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